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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Table 10. Median Portion Size (Pk) in Teaspoon Equivalents per Mention by Sex and Age for Total Added Sugars and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Analyses: Adults

Food Group Age Group (years)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-60 61-69 >69
Frozen desserts (P15) 4.810000 4.820000 4.917500 4.845000 4.405000 3.730000
Soda (P16) 9.596667 9.560000 9.803333 9.920000 7.880000 7.430000
Sugar/honey in coffee/tea (P17) 0.990000 0.745000 0.660000 0.495000 0.490000 0.000000
Fruitades/sports drinks (P18) 9.025000 8.665000 9.150000 6.510000 5.055000 3.080000
Candy (P19) 2.810000 2.605000 3.287500 2.620000 2.325000 1.865000
Doughnuts (P20) 4.050000 2.987500 3.265000 3.120000 3.120000 2.680000
Cookies, cake, pie, brownies (P21) 4.650000 4.160000 4.040000 3.740000 3.295000 2.730000
First tertile added sugars cereals (P22) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Second tertile added sugars cereals (P23) 2.080000 2.080000 2.570000 2.122500 1.835000 1.485000
Third tertile added sugars cereals (P24) 4.705000 4.315000 4.445000 4.750000 3.710000 3.285000
Frozen desserts (P15) 3.530000 4.790000 3.790000 4.330000 3.476667 3.580000
Soda (P16) 7.880000 7.880000 7.880000 7.655000 7.580000 5.433333
Sugar/honey in coffee/tea (P17) 0.687500 0.620000 0.495000 0.014167 0.000000 0.000000
Fruitades/sports drinks (P18) 6.670000 6.120000 5.410000 4.592500 3.200000 3.200000
Candy (P19) 2.300000 1.970000 2.280000 2.120000 2.385000 1.800000
Doughnuts (P20) 3.590000 2.680000 2.715000 2.600000 2.380000 3.132500
Cookies, cake, pie, brownies (P21) 3.225000 3.150000 3.050000 2.950000 2.450000 2.600000
First tertile added sugars cereals (P22) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Second tertile added sugars cereals (P23) 1.970000 2.050000 1.960000 1.865500 1.590000 1.390000
Third tertile added sugars cereals (P24) 3.425000 3.685000 3.300000 3.340000 2.830000 2.830000

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